Change is on it's way...
To my lovely faithful customers,
I hope you are enjoying a peaceful summer; we've been running Courses throughout the holidays and always take the time to introduce children to where their food comes from through our series of Family Courses. We can't wait to get back into schools as the new term starts and look forward to groups of children visiting Hen Corner.
Over recent months, I've been assessing all that we do here at Hen Corner and am now writing to all customers during this summer break with an update on our plans for our Friday Micro Bakery.
We have really appreciated your support over the years, who would have thought that our accidental bakery would have served so many customers over nearly a decade? I've just checked - It's 1,529 households! Running the bakery simply because local people wanted to buy my bread has been a real honour.
A particularly special, albeit challenging, time was during the uncertainty of the Covid Pandemic. I baked huge volumes of bread, for 80 households during Easter week 2020, and the bakery alongside our online bread courses allowed Hen Corner to thrive as a business.
So here we are looking at the next chapter of Hen Corner, as usual we want to focus on sharing our skills and all that we’ve learned over the years.
A priority moving forward is to encourage as many people as possible to live sustainably through our courses, events and writing. This sadly means that we will no longer be running the weekly bakery each Friday.
We do, however, plan to have special bake days in the run up to both Christmas and Easter, allowing you to order the unique products that we've created (that you just can't get anywhere else) like our award winning Apricot Couronne.
Other seasonal products that don't need to be baked to order, such as honey, preserves, eggs and those popular Christmas puddings will be available as soon as they are ready - I'll keep you posted.
I've spoken to a few regular customers and assured them that I'll still be baking for my family and course guests each week - so if there's a particular favourite that you're really fond of - there's no harm in messaging me and asking if I could bake a few loaves for your freezer, I just can't offer the whole range each week as it takes two days to prepare. Feel free to check out other nearby Bread Angels, here.
Everything else will carry on as usual; I’ll still be very involved within the community of Brentford and am continuing with my local charity work - so you'll certainly see me around.
Maybe this is the time to learn to bake your own bread? Let me know what your favourite is and I'll tell you which course I teach it on!
Subscribe to our website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with all our news.
Thanks again for all your support over the years and we look forward to all that is to come...